Monday, November 9, 2009

Twitter used for hactivism

A good example of hactivism would be the use of Twitter for DDOS attacks against Iran in the summer of 2009. Twitter was used for passing the instructions for the attacks and for spreading the message. There were political demonstrations on the streets in Teheran during that time and the government was arresting people. Twitter´s mainly English-speaking users were organizing the attacks at the same time.

One of the responsers asks on the website though - what is the end goal because the targets of the attacks were the government sites :

One participant asks on the blog site - what is the end goal as he thought that these DDOS attacks prevented the Iranian people also to get access to the correct information and pass information about the events in Iran to the outer world.

One participant praized Twitter for spreading the message - the Twitter messages are short and straight to the point.

This case is similar to Estonia in 2007. In Estonia there were also political mass protests on the streets and the Estonian government sites and other important websites were DDOS attacked furing the mass demonstrations from the opposing country Russia. Although Russian government denied any involvement in the cyber attacks and said that the attacks were carried out by the grassroots movement, it is still widely believed that this Estonian case was one of the first cases of cyber war in the world.

In case of Iran it is believed that no other geovernment was involved in any way in attacking Iranian websites furing the political mass demonstrations. Because it is politically correct to think so.

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